ReSPA facilitates improved cooperation between National Investment Commissions
Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA), in cooperation with the Secretariat for Development Projects, on the October 5th and 6th organized conference on Regional cooperation between the National Investment Commission of countries being members of ReSPA.
The conference was opened by Mr.Suad Musić, the ReSPA Director, and Ms. Biserka Dragicevic, Secretary to the Seretariat for Development Projects, who welcomed participants by emphasizing the importance of the conference for regional cooperation amongst the National Investment Commissions(NICs).
Mr. Morten Jung, Head of Unit in the DG NEAR,of the European Commission, addressed representatives of the National Investment Commissions of the ReSPA Countries and Kosovo* on the EU's commitment to support infrastructural projects in the Western Balkans at a conference, organised by ReSPA in cooperation with the Secretartiat for Development Projects of Montenegro that took place on 5 and 6 October 2015. High level speakers from ReSPA member countries and Kosovo* presentd their experience in establishing of NICs.
The representaives were given the chance to exchange their experiences on the establishment of NICs,and the support availble from ReSPA to the NICs in their work. This includes the elaboration of methodologies for the process of selection and prioritization of the infrastructure projects and the preparation of single project pipelines for EU supported projects.
On the second day experts from the International Financial Institutions Coordination Office moderated a workshop duiring which the technical apsects of single project pipelines, methodologies for selection and prioritisation of projects and possible future cooperation were discussed.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and ICJ Advisory opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of independence