Regional Peer-to-Peer Mechanism for ReSPA Members and Kosovo*
The Regional Peer-to-Peer Mechanism for ReSPA Members and Kosovo* is intended to improve regional cooperation and mutual learning among public servants of the Western Balkan region. Through this new Mechanism, ReSPA will support public servants from the region to share their knowledge and experience with colleagues from other countries of the region in improving public administration and enhancing European integration process.
Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), supported by the European Commission (EC), developed Regional Peer-to-Peer Mechanism, a new model of sharing regional knowledge and experiences in the area of Public Administration Reform (PAR) and European Integration. This mechanism serves to address specific needs in ReSPA Members and Kosovo*, and is expected to positively influence progress in public administrations in accordance with the ReSPA Programme of Work for 2017, as well as with the recommendations from ReSPA working groups and networks, including recommendations from ReSPA regional comparative studies and conferences.