The meeting of the Programme Committee on European Integration was held on 7 April 2017 in Tirana, Albania.
The Programme Committee considered activities that ReSPA organized and implemented in the period September 2016 - April 2017 for the European Integration Pillar.
Programme Committee meeting on EU Integration was opened by Minister for European Integration of Republic of Albania, Mrs, Klajda Gjosha, and ReSPA Director, Mrs Ratka Sekulović.
Minister Gjosha expressed satisfaction with ReSPA support to the Albanian institutions dealing with European integration and asked for further support especially in Chapters 23 and 24. ReSPA Director emphasized the role of ReSPA in terms of boostering regional cooperation in PAR and continuation of support within different activities that ReSPA will organize in the upcoming period. She pointed out the importance of the PC EUI in providing valuable contribution to ReSPA to promptly respond to the needs of all ReSPA beneficiary countries.
Also, the Secretariat of ReSPA presented activities in all three pillars of ReSPA – general information on Public Administration Reform and Governance for Growth pillars and presented the planned activities till the end of the current year. ReSPA will support development of capacities in the area of chapters 23 and 24, legal alignment, translation, National Investment Commissions and general capacities related to the EU Enlargement policy.