Regional Conference „Enhancing Managerial Competences in Civil Service
The Regional Conference „Enhancing Managerial Competences in Civil Service“ held in Becici on 5-6 April 2017 was organised in cooperation of the Human Resource Management Athority of Montenegro, ReSPA and Hanns Seidel Foundation. The conference gathered the participants of ReSPA working groups on Public Administration Reform, Human Resource Management and Development and Public Internal Financial Control, as well as the experts from Slovenia, France and Estonia. The conference was officially opened by Ms. Suzana Pribilovic, Minister of Public administration of Montenegro, Mr. Aivo Orav, the Head of EU Delegation to Montenegro, Ms. Svetlana Vukovic, the Director of the Human Resource Management Authority of Montenegro, Ms. Ratka Sekulovic, the Director of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) and Mr. Lutz Kober, the Director of Hans Seidel Stifung fondation.
During the plenary sessions Minister Pribilovic talked about the challenges in implementation of managerial standards as key elements of the professionalization of public service, Mr. Gregor Virant, the UNDP expert, about the culture of interactions between politicians and senior civil servants in the government, Mr. Jacques Roudiere, the expert on human resources from the French School of Public Administration (ENA), about a transparent, effective merit-based recruitment and development of senior civil servants, and Ms. Merle Nurmoja, the expert for human resources from Estonia, about performance management based on competencies.
The conference was divided into four sessions at which the public servants talked about the competency requirements of senior managers for PAR and EU integration process, accountability as a driver for more competent and performance oriented managers in public sector, performance and its contribution to the process of optimisation of public administration, as well as coaching as a new tool for professional development of top managers. During the sessions, the participants had opportunity to exchance good practicies and provide recommendations for improvement. The recommendations were devoted to further strengthening of the competencies of high managerial staff, strengthening of regional cooperation and further exchange of experience, depolisation of public administration and channging of the existing culture.
The conference gathered more than 80 participants from ReSPA members and Kosovo*.