The 9QC on “Joining forces and breaking silos towards a better performing, transparent and inclusive public administration” was initiated on Malta (15-16 May 2017)
The Conference has been opened by The Prime Minister of Malta and concluded by The Head of the Malta Civil Service - the Principal Permanent Secretary.
The Conference was devoted on four sub-themes: human resource management in the public sector; cooperation and inclusiveness in policy making and implementation; and innovative service delivery to citizens and businesses to satisfy customers’ needs. Beside the policy makers, advisers and civil servants, representatives of ReSPA Quality Management Working Group and Officials from institutions involved in European Integration process took part in several panels and in Conference in general. The main aim of their participation was to learn about Cooperative policy making and implementation as the condition for impact of the public sector on society and about one of the crucial topic of the Conference - Open and transparent government as solid foundation.
EUPAN (the European Public Administration Network) is a network of European countries dealing with public administration issues, by means of sharing information and learning from each other (www.eupan.eu). As one of the means of doing so, EUPAN has been organising European Quality Conferences since the year 2000.