eParticipation Roadmap thematic meeting
On 13 June countries representatives, relevant national and international experts, have, under the leadership and coordination of ReSPA, met in the framework of e-Participation Working Group, in Brussels, Belgium.
Building on Roadmaps developed for each ReSPA participating country over the past year, country specific recommendations were presented and discussed.
In addition concrete actions, especially focusing on joint activities that could be supported by ReSPA in 2018, were defined and agreed upon. With definition of these the countries have reaffirmed their dedication to continuous development of government e-services and tools. Awareness raising and users’ capacity building will, along with other measures to be implemented on national levels, ensure further transparency of work of public administrations, build trust, promote e-participation and strengthen the measures of fight against corruption. (With these transformation of Western Balkans Region into an Open Data Region remains a realistic vision and objective.)