ReSPA Presents its Tangible Results in Brussels
For the first time, and in cooperation with the European Commission DG NEAR, the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) hosted its Open Day in Brussels on Thursday, 15 June 2017. The event was an opportunity for ReSPA to present its results achieved in the last seven years since this inter-governmental organisation had been established, with the support of the European Commission.
“ReSPA has been recognized as a unique organization in the Western Balkan region, established with the goal to enhance regional cooperation of public administrations in the Western Balkans on their path to the European Union. In the last 7 years ReSPA has grown to be an innovative regional hub giving added value to the region,” Ratka Sekulovic, Director of the Regional School of Public Administration said at the opening of ReSPA’s Open Day.
“Since its beginning ReSPA has been changing in order to promptly respond to the needs of public administrations in the region. Public servants are more than ever under pressure and our mission is to continue to give them valuable support,” added Sekulovic.
European Commission’s representative Mr. Bernard Brunet welcomed the initiative to organise the ReSPA Open Day in Brussels. “Today we’ve come to the point when ReSPA has achieved clear outcomes and results, and added value to strengthening public administrations in the region. European Commission is very keen to support this centre of excellence in the Western Balkans,” said Mr. Brunet.