Seminar on Revised internal Audit Standards, 14-15 September 2017, Skopje (Macedonia)
The quality of internal audit work is an important precondition for successful implementation of principles of pubic financial management. Internal audit provides assurance and advice to public sector managers. Therefore, ReSPA organized the Seminar on Revised Internal Audit Standards which gathered 70 officials from Ministries of Finance, Central Harmonization Units (CHUs) and internal auditors from ReSPA Members and Kosovo*¹.
The seminar was opened by Mr. Dragan Tevdovski, Minister of Finance of Macedonia; keynote speeches were provided by Mr. Raymond Hill, Team Leader for PIC Task Force in DG Budget of European Commission, Mr. Lech Marcinkowski and Ms. Miroslawa Boryczka, senior advisers from SIGMA. Croatian experience in implementation of international internal auditing standards was present by Danijela Stepic, Had of CHU in Ministry of Finance, Davor Kozina from CHU and Prof. Boris Tusek form Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb.
The participants had an opportunity to learn about requirements of the revised IA standards (New IPPF) in force as of 1 January 2017; Impact of revised IA standards on IA methodology; and Quality checking of IA activities performed by the CHUs, with practical experiences.
¹* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence