Better Regulation in Western Balkans: Improving Public Participation, 21-22 September 2017, Sarajevo
The regional meeting on Better Regulation in Western Balkans was organized in close cooperation between ReSPA and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). The meeting was focused on improving public participation in legislative and policy processes.
The participants had an opportunity to learn about Western Balkans’ Recommendations on Public Participation as well as about the findings of the ReSPA comparative research on Better Regulation in Western Balkans with focus on public consultations. The meeting gathered experts and public servants dealing with Better Regulation efforts in Western Balkans, who contributed to the constructive discussion, particularly during the panel sessions on public-private dialogue and participation of the private sector, as well as during the session on participation of civil society and monitoring of public participation. Speakers from SIGMA and the Council of Europe also presented on the topic of public participation, and contributed to the discussion and recommendations.