RESPA engagement at INFOFEST – the future path of digitalization and connectivity
RESPA has for the second time taken part at the INFOFEST festival (25-26 September 2017) in Budva, which was officially opened by Suzana Pribilovic, Minister of Public Administration of Montenegro. The event gathered numerous business companies working in the IT sector, academia and also the representatives of the Public Administration institutions. ReSPA has jointly with the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro organized a panel devoted to e-services and open data which was enriched by Estonian and Austrian best-case examples.
The discussion has been intensified by engagement of the panelist reflecting the state of the art in the Western Balkans. eGovernment RESPA working group welcomed the representative of World Award Summit Ms. Wolloch who presented the latter mentioned initiative. The final conclusion encompassed readiness of the WB region to work jointly with RESPA on eParticipation roadmap and open data initiative aiming towards open data region and more efficient and effective public services.