BACID organises Danube Governance Forum: Improving Governance Together (December 4, Vienna)
The BACID programme organises the Danube Governance Forum: Improving Governance Together on December 4, 2017 in Vienna, in cooperation with ReSPA (Regional School of Public Administration in the Western Balkans) and the Network of Associations of Local Government Authorities in South-East Europe (NALAS).
The event will gather stakeholders with whom the BACID has been cooperating in the past three years to discuss the topics identified as priorities in improving governance of the countries in the Region on the way to the European Union, while promoting the cooperation of the public sector – national and local institutions, civil society, science and the business sector. Besides professionals from public administration, local governments, NGOs and other organisations from the Western Balkans, the event will bring together our partners from the whole Danube Region, as well as representatives of the EU and international organisations that are supporting European integration and public administration reforms in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova. Our partners are invited to present their challenges and achievements and discuss in an open dialogue possible solutions to be further developed through future Danube Governance Hub activities.
For registration and more information about the event, please visit the webpage: http://www.bacid.eu/Governance_Forum_2017.