First Meeting of the ReSPA Coordination Structure for Governance for Growth Pillar of South-East Europe 2020 Strategy
The Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) organized on 23 November 2017, in cooperation with Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the First Meeting of the ReSPA Coordination Structure for Governance for Growth Pillar of South-East Europe 2020 Strategy. This structure is composed from representatives of already existing ReSPA Working groups which have activities directly connected with SEE2020 Strategy and its Effective Public Services dimension: Working Group on Better Regulation, Working Group on Human Resources Management and Development, and Working Group on Quality Management.
The members of new Coordination structure had the opportunity to hear more about the role of the Governing and Coordination Structures for SEE2020 Strategy, in particular about Governance for Growth Pillar and its Dimensions and Activities. The Employment and Social Affairs Platform as one particular project for implementation of SEE2020 Strategy was presented, as well the model of regional flagship initiatives in implementation of SEE2020 Strategy. Also, the monitoring cycle and Balkan Barometer and integration of results of Balkan Barometer into SIGMA PAR assessments were presented. ReSPA presented its plans regarding PAR and Governance for Growth, while RCC highlighted interconnected areas of cooperation, such is improvement in public participation quality though collaboration with ReSPA Better Regulation working group.
The Coordination structure will ensure future cooperation between ReSPA and RCC especially in programming and monitoring phases of annual cycle of implementation of SEE 2020 Strategy.