Programme Committee on European Integration met in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The 9th meeting of the Programme Committee on European Integration was held on 11 May 2018 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since Bosnia and Herzegovina is chairing ReSPA during the current year, Mr Edin Dilberović, Director of the Directorate for European Integration of the Council of Ministers of BiH, will be chairing the Programme Committee sessions.
At the meeting, the Secretariat of ReSPA reported on the activities implemented within the European Integration Pillar and presented the plan of activities planned by the end of 2018. The Programme Committee welcomed efforts that ReSPA invests in supporting its Members in the area of utilization of IPA funds and strengthening the capacities for accession negotiations. Furthermore, additional focus was placed on preparations of the new ReSPA Strategy covering the period 2019 – 2024.
The Programme Committee positively evaluated activities implemented since September 2017 and provided support to planned activities for the remaining implementation period of the current EC Grant (till 10 December 2018).