Achievements and Challenges in the Public Administration of the Western Balkans presented at UNDESA event
Panel Achievements and Challenges in Public Administration - Reform in the Western Balkans to fulfil the 2030 Agenda was ReSPA's contribution to the 2018 United Nations Public Service Forum which was held on 22 June in Marrakesh, the Kingdom of Morocco. During the panel, it was confirmed that the Governments from the Western Balkans are identifying concrete possibilities to invest substantially part of their budgets in digital infrastructure, electronic services and joint regional programmes to improve public service delivery and living conditions of its citizens and businesses. The panel has gathered distinguished representatives of the Western Balkan administrations, respective experts and discussants in the subject, as well as SIGMA- OECD representative.
In addition, Minister Damjan Mancevski from Macedonia mentioned that the recent Western Balkan Digital Summit, which took place in April 2018 in Skopje Macedonia, marked the start of a series of regional events to foster the cooperation among leaders and civil servants. By involving and cooperating with the private sector, as well as with citizens, local governments will create a success factors to push forward the PAR efforts.
“We truly believe that we have to bring public services to the citizens via different challenges and not the other way around…” stated the attending ministers form Macedonia and Montenegro in their opening remarks.
“We have many good practices in terms of e-Government solutions and efficient public service delivery in the Western Balkans Region” was stated during the ReSPA panel.
In addition it was stated that the countries of the Western Balkans Region practice benchmarking and bench-learning and organize various communities of practice which are facilitated by ReSPA.
These professional communities, that support a vivid exchange with other global networks in the future, are seen as a sustainable platform for the exchange of know-how, co-creation, co-design and co-production. ReSPA also contributed to Introduction of the Global Initiative and Regional Perspectives on Public Administration Readiness for the 2030 Agenda panel of the UNDESA event.