Working Meeting with PA Ministers from Macedonia and Kosovo*
ReSPA, 8 October 2018 – ReSPA Director, Ms Ratka Sekulovic, accompanied with ReSPA managers had a working meeting with the Minister of Information Society and Administration of Macedonia Mr. Damjan Mancevski, and the Minister of Public Administration of Kosovo* Mr. Mahir Yagcilar, and their associates.
At the meeting, draft of the new ReSPA strategic framework was discussed, as well as ReSPA’s plan of activities for 2019-2020. In particular, topic of digitalization of public administration was discussed, as well as importance of coordinating public administration reform (PAR) and public finance management (PFM) reform. In 2019, Macedonia will chair ReSPA, and it is proposed that ReSPA should focus its efforts around the topic of digitalization. Also, cooperation of ReSPA with other regional and international organisations, such as with the Regional Cooperation Council and with the OECD SIGMA was stressed as important in relation to the Digital Agenda.
[1] * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Advisory opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of independence