ReSPA hosted digital dijalogue of the WB six and DG Connect
ReSPA accepted to host a round table focusing on Digital agenda of the Western Balkan six, an inspiring topic. On that occasion on the 8 October the Commissioner Mariya Gabriel visited Montenegro once she has met with the Ministers from the Western Balkans i.e. Ms Suzana Pribilovic (Minister of Public Administration in Montenegro), Mr Damjan Mancevski (Minister of Information Society and Administration in Macedonia), Ms. Dorina Cinari (Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy in Albania) and Mr Mahir Yagcilar (Minister of Public Administration in Kosovo*).
ReSPA Director Ms Ratka Sekulovic opened the meeting elaborating multiannual focus of the organization in particularly in domain of open data, eParticipation, digital transformation and eServices. Commissioner Gabriel underlined the importance of the Berlin process agenda and Digital agenda for the Western Balkans (WB) as one of the flagships initiatives for the WB. The ministers complemented ReSPA Director’s and Commissioner’s proposals for discussions and added pragmatic suggestions. The interactive meeting has been successfully finished with the confirmation of the vital role of Regional school of public administration which is foreseen also in domain of e-Government. Moreover it has been suggested to focus in the upcoming programming period on provision of the support for the update of the regional roaming agreement, capacity building in the area of cyber security, interoperability, digital innovation and use of new IT technologies (eg Blockchain, use of Artificial intelligence, etc.). Raise awareness on the importance and usability of e-Government and e-Services. were commented as well. It has been concluded by Ms Sekulovic that RESPA will remain committed to its work in subject and special attention will be given to the use of new IT technologies and e-Services as areas of huge potential for the Public Administration in the Western Balkans.