Peer-Mission on Public Participation, Pristina, Kosovo*
The Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) jointly organised this Peer-Mission on Public Participation in order to raise the awareness on the Western Balkan Recommendation on Public Participation, prepared by ReSPA and RCC in 2017.
This regional event brought together over 20 public servants who are in charge of coordinating public consultations in various ministries of Kosovo*, to discuss with peers from Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro ways to improve public participation in policy making and legislative processes.
During the opening session, participants were welcomed by Mr. Mahir Yagcilar, Minister of Public Administration, Mr. Besnik Tahiri, Coordinator for State Reforms in the Office of the Prime Minister, and Ms. Mikaela Gronqvist from the EU Office in Pristina.
At the outset of the event, the Annual Report (2017) on Public Consultations in Kosovo* was presented by Mr. Habit Hajredini, Director of the Office for Good Governance, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination, in the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo*. The Report was then discussed by the participants of the event, and key challenges for improving public participation were addressed. The discussion was followed by three workshops that were led by an RCC Consultant Mr. Goran Forbici. The workshops covered the following topics: Targeted Approach, Early Involvement of Stakeholders, and Development of Consultation Documents.
[1]* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Advisory opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of independence