Regional Workshop on Programming and Implementation of IPA II – Lessons Learned for the Next Multi-Annual Financial Framework
Brussels, 18 and 19 October 2018 - In order to support preparedness for implementation of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) by the Western Balkans administrations and the Republic of Turkey, the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) and German Development Cooperation – GIZ Open Regional Fund Promotion of European integration through regional co-operation jointly organized, in co-operation with the DG NEAR and OECD/SIGMA, a Regional Workshop on Programming and Implementation of IPA II – Lessons Learned for the Next Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF). The Regional Workshop was held in Brussels on 18 and 19 October. Besides the representatives of the NIPAC Offices, ministries of Finance and other key line ministries of IPA beneficiaries, the workshop was attended by the representatives of the DG NEAR and EU Delegations to the Western Balkans countries and Turkey.
The workshop was opened by Ms Ratka Sekulovic, Director of ReSPA, Ms Francesca Fondi, Deputy Director of GIZ Representation in Brussels, and Mr André Lys, Senior Advisor of the DG NEAR. In her opening address, Director Sekulovic reiterated the strategic orientation of ReSPA for the period 2019 – 2024, to continue supporting its Members in the administrative efforts related to the utilization of IPA funds. In this context, particular attention will be paid to strengthened inter-institutional coordination for better delivery of strategic results and the financial sustainability of reform processes.
During the workshop, the major challenges and lessons learned in programming and implementation of IPA II and findings and recommendations related to the retention policy, as identified by the GIZ commended studies, were presented and discussed. Officials of the DG NEAR presented development of the next generation of IPA instrument within the future MFF and the requirements for communication and visibility within the implementation of IPA funded projects.
The workshop was concluded by practical workshop related to the Toolkit for the preparation, implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of public administration reform and sector strategies, developed by the OECD/SIGMA.