RESPA took part at the OECD OPSI Conference
One of the most important global events Observatory for Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), devoted to the innovation in public sector took place in Paris, France on 19 and 20 November 2018. OPSI is a global forum for public sector innovation within the OECD and works with governments to understand and encourage new approaches to address society’s complex problems. It empowers public servants with new insights, knowledge, tools and connections to help them explore new possibilities. It connects and convenes innovators worldwide and directly advises leaders of public sector innovation in OECD member countries and beyond.
Not surprisingly all the topics at the OPSI Conference have addressed the latest developments related to constitutive elements of the innovation process. Therefore, quite a big challenge has been imposed once participants had to choose between different parallel sessions. The event also gathered the most prominent experts, academia, think tanks and international organizations working in the area of innovative practices. The event lasted for two days and introduced various topics such as How can public sector innovation help to meet the global challenges, discussing inclusive governance and public trust, application of behavioral insights, what is new in artificial intelligence and in which form the innovation can be recognized, i.e., adaptive, mission oriented, anticipatory and enhancement-oriented innovation. Equally valuable were presentations depicting what skills are needed for innovation, which are the major barriers and how we may measure innovation and design appropriate indicators. As a general framework for stimulating innovative processes and for “capturing” the common standards that may be reapplied, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been mentioned. One of the most demanding sessions was the one designated to emerging uses of Blockchain and explaining what kind of approaches should government consider if they want Blockchain to help their organizations. All the conference participants have had a genuine possibility to be introduced with the (OPSI) Toolkit navigator understanding how it can orient innovators towards the resources suited for their situation. Closing panel was designated to the topic of moving from sporadic to a more systemic approach towards work on innovations.
ReSPA representatives actively participated in a discussion opening the question at the closing session how certain solutions, e.g., toolkits fostering innovation may be reapplied outside the OECD countries, in less rich and less developed societies to what the OECD members are. The dialogue with the OPSI colleagues regarding the exchange of the ideas related to ReSPA Seasonal School as well as for the promotion of OPSI Toolkit navigator in the Western Balkans has been initiated. Also, the discussion has been made with the representatives of World Economic Forum, Impact and Innovation Unit of Canada, Innovation unit of New Zealand, EU Commissions Joint Research Centre (Foresight, Behavioral Insights and design for policy unit / EU policy lab), Social Impact and Innovation initiative from the USA (Georgetown University), Innovation Department from the Ministry of cabinet affairs and the future Prime Minister’s office of the United Arab Emirates and many others. OPSI Conference confirmed the value and purpose of ReSPA intention to work with the public administrations in the Western Balkans with a focus on innovation in public services based on multidisciplinary and integrated approach.