ReSPA concludes the 7th Annual Conference successfully
The Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) concluded a very successful conference on the 19 of April 2013. ReSPA's 7th Annual Conference was organized on “Effective Policy Making: How to Ensure Desired Changes through Successful Implementation of the Policies” . During the two days of the conference, experts and specialists from more than 20 countries provided their expertise and shared their country's experience on issues related to the main theme of the conference.
Professional presentations, in-depth analysis, comparative findings, discussions, provided by professionals from the Western Balkans, EU, and EU institutions, World Bank, SIGMA, as well by renowned university professors were the main voice of the conference.
The topic of this year's conference was chosen since policy making is one of the fundamental phases of the policy cycle and because of the great need for policy making to improve in all its cycles, especially in the momentum of problem and priorities identification and formulation, followed with adequate set up of the indicators for policy Monitoring and Evaluation.
A very interesting round table was also conducted that gathered policy makers, decision makers, NGOs and EU into a panel that highlighted the importance of the policy making towards the citizens, its openness towards all walks of society and the inclusion of the general public opinion in such a process.
The conference this year has been planned as a three themed approach.
Theme I: Policy Development - The role of the government agenda in the problem identification, policy formulation, policy making and policy adoption.
Theme II: Policy Implementation –presenting best examples of effective policy implementation and benefits obtained from those practices.
Theme III: Policy Monitoring and Evaluation
Outcome/Results of the Conference
The conference will enable the share of the information on the policy development, implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation between different stakeholders.
After the conference, the policy makers will be able to impose holistic approach towards policy cycle taking into account the important cross-cutting issues such as partnership principle in the policy making process, links with policy research centers and think-tanks in the policy making system.
In addition the Conference will enable policymakers to understand that they must invest adequate time, resources and commitment in building adaptable legal, policy and institutional frameworks, develop appropriate tools to evaluate their own performances by engaging all relevant stakeholders from the scratch
The conference will also result on empowering policy makers to understand the correlation between the effective policy making processes and the EU integration process through discussions, exchanges as well as joint conclusions.
The Minister of Public Administration of Croatia Mr. Arsen Bauk who is at the same time the Chairman of ReSPA Board, The Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Foreign and Interior Policy of Montenegro Mr. Dusko Markovic, Minister of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Barisa Colak, and Mr. Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler, Director of IPA (Instruments for Pre-Accession) Strategy and Regional Cooperation Directorate within the European Commission attended the conference.
80 participants from the Public Administration and civil society, Members of Parliaments, international organizations, embassies, expert speakers form the EU and non EU countries made ReSPA conference a truly international one.