Working Group meeting on Better Regulation
Tirana (Albania), 25 and 26 June 2019 – ReSPA organized a two-day meeting of the Working Group on Better Regulation with the representatives of the RIS oversight units from the region. On the first day, participants were informed on the Programme of Work 2019 – 2020 and the activities that ReSPA intends to organize in the next two years in the area of Better Regulation.
Representatives of the ReSPA Members had the chance to present the current developments in relation to the regulatory reforms that their governments are currently implementing and exchange their good practices related to these issues. In addition, the officials of the Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation (OECD) presented Better Regulations practices of the EU Member States and the projects by which the OECD/SIGMA supports reforms in policy making in the Western Balkan region.
On the second day, the officials and experts of the OECD/SIGMA presented the SIGMA Strategy Toolkit for Development of Policy Planning Documents, which was followed by the practical workshop on its use.