ReSPA Summer School on the Challenges for Further Enlargement of the European Union
ReSPA Summer School on European Integration 2019 was devoted to the main Challenges for Further Enlargement of the European Union. This Summer School brought together 29 representatives of governmental institutions, senior to mid-level professionals from Western Balkan countries. This Summer school was organised during the first week of July.
The participants had a chance to learn more on the results of the elections for European Parliament, the new EU initiatives for the Western Balkans, the current debate on “new” and post-Brexit Europe. Also, the audience were presented the most contended issues and policies during the process of the re-defining shape of the EU and the causes of ongoing challenges of EU and the consequences of these challenges for future enlargement policy. Furthermore, they had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on the accession negotiation process and negotiation technics, and understanding of the issues covered by particular negotiation Chapters, to learn from the concrete experience of particular countries. The School equipped participants with concrete experience from Croatia with lessons learned on the utilization of EU pre-accession support and utilization of post-accession structural and cohesion funds. The particular focus of the School was devoted to the new EU Financial Framework for period 2021-2027, and plans for future Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance, as well as to the analysis of the financial flows between the EU and Western Balkan countries in the pre-accession and post-accession period. During the School, a specific panel with leaders of Civil Society organizations and Think-tanks was organised to present to participants the new initiatives form CSOs regarding the improvement of the European integration process. One day of the School was devoted to the most important economic repercussions of EU integration process, on the level of economic convergence between Western Balkans and EU; to the experiences, achievements and challenges in improvements of regional trade in Western Balkans, and current activities organised under the umbrella of Regional Economic Area