ReSPA 2nd Networking Event on Human Resource Management for Western Balkans, Community of Practitioners starts in Tirana
ReSPA 2nd Networking Event on Human Resource Management for Western Balkans, Community of Practitioners started today, on May 9 in the city of Tirana. Albania.
The second meeting of this networking event gathered for the first time in Tirana 14 prominent high level public officials from the Western Balkans.
The event was opened by Ms. Blerta Selenica the Director of Department of Public Administration of Albania as the host country where she emphasized the importance of this networking event and all other ReSPA networks and their relevance and impact in the region.
Mr. Suad Music, the ReSPA director also highlighted the work of ReSPA with regard to the networks and the necessity of having the HRM and all other networks in the region.
The discussions during the first day revolved around the ways and means of developing a new framework for regional cooperation identifying the role and strategy of ReSPA in institutionalizing a regional policy dialogue on public governance and European integration and methods to operationalise the new framework.
After the coffee break, the participants were divided into two groups in order to brainstorm the establishment of the new framework and the possible adoption of the working methods and technical groups in various working areas.
The afternoon session was mainly dedicated to the conclusions and questions raised in the group discussion, the products and services to be expected from the working technical groups within the Public Administration Networks as well as the role of the Community of Practitioners within these new frameworks.
At the end of the day, Mr. Aqim Emurli, ReSPA Training Manager and Mr. Eris Kasmi, ReSPA PR and Documentation Officer updated the network members on the work of ReSPA with other networks and progress made in utilizing the use of IT platforms and other technological tools in helping transform these networks in operational interactive platforms whereby members can upload and download, communicate and exchange opinions, views, ideas and provide solutions to the matters of interest.
2 members from each country (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia as Member States of ReSPA and Kosovo* are represented in this network as permanent members.
The next meeting of this network is planned to take place in Sarajevo by the end of 2013.
RESPA Networks and their importance towards creation of accountable, effective and professional public administration systems in the Western Balkans
ReSPA intends to promote additional instruments to achieve its mission of supporting “the creation of accountable, effective and professional public administration systems”, as well as to facilitate EU accession preparedness of its member countries.
To do so recipe is establishing additional cooperation mechanisms and working methods endowing the organization with capabilities to boost a better governance agenda specifically for the Western Balkans, which would include all the components mentioned above.
The better governance and good administration agendas are major policies, still with uncertain contours, promoted by international organisations around the world. ReSPA is in a good position to contribute to shaping the good governance agenda with regard to its member countries. International experience shows that integrated regional programmes are useful to spread cross-border positive influence on national leaders.
ReSPA is well placed to contribute usefully both to the strategic and operational dimensions of public governance reform in the Western Balkans, provided that some key working methods are developed and adapted to the ReSPA institutional characteristics.