ReSPA and Open Government Partnership - Western Balkans Peer Exchange Meeting
ReSPA has in close consultation with the OGP national points of contact and OGP Secretariat, decided to organize OGP regional event on 3-4 October 2019 in Budva, Montenegro, as an integral part of the INFOFEST event. The objective of the OGP regional event (Western Balkans Peer Exchange Meeting) was to allow exchange of experiences and practical solutions regarding the implementation of OGP process in the countries.
Two-day event brought together senior public servants dealing with OGP and eGovernment and relevant Civil Society Organization representatives. Two open panels of the Peer Exchange meeting have focused on status of reforms taken by the Governments. It was discussed what has been achieved so far in the area of clients’ orientation of the services (eServices and eParticipation), access to information and open data in the region and what are the current global trends in this area. Minister Suzana Pribiliovic from Montenegro (Ministry of Public Administration) and Minister Damjan Mancevski from North Macedonia (Ministry of Information Society and Administration) gave the perspective of transformational leadership in given areas and presented future commitments. The second panel has introduced the topic of Service delivery once challenges have been observed. The event has been finalized with the emphasis on development partners and possibilities for cooperation.