ReSPA - KDZ Danube Governance Hub forum
ReSPA - KDZ Danube Governance Hub forum was held on 7-8 November 2019 in Vienna, Austria. Within the framework of the BACID II project DGH Forum has been organized in Vienna together with the CAF responsible persons from Western Balkan countries enabling platform for knowledge exchange and networking of QM experts in public sector organisations.
The forum concentrated on the following issues: what are the CAF structures, strategies, implementation activities and experiences in EU countries, how to build up CAF Resource Centres and what steps in Western Balkan countries need to be done to implement CAF and Quality Management. The second day of the event focused on the state of art of CAF implementation in the Western Balkan region and design of project fiches as a follow up opportunities to BACID II project. The event included also the presentations on Agile management and Wellbeing at work which raised great interest of the workshop participants.