Working visit to Finland devoted to Merit-based recruitment and performance appraisal
Fifteen civil servants, members of the ReSPA Working group on Humane Resource Management and Development (HRMD WG) visited Finland and used the opportunity to learn about Finish practice in regard to merit-based recruitment, leadership and talent management programmes, as well as innovative models of work in HR. The Finnish practice in HR is based on mutual trust and understanding among the employees. All the actions have the satisfaction of the citizens as their main goal.
During the presentations carried out by six experts, the members of the HRMD WG had the opportunity, not only to ask questions and obtain answers about the Finish practice but to present the use of competency framework in their respective countries. This working visit was also used for visiting Google digital garage with the express purpose of providing skills, experience, and expertise to job seekers and entrepreneurs in Helsinki. The participants also visited the Helsinki Central Library Oodi https://www.oodihelsinki.fi/en/ a living meeting place with a wide range of services and facilities available to residents seven days a week. Visit to the Ministry of Finance provided insight into the staff friendly working environment. Although Finland is advanced in many aspects of HRMD in comparison to the Western Balkans, satisfaction of citizens is a common goal that both Finland and the WB countries are fighting to achieve. At the margins of this working visit ReSPA staff had a meeting in the Prime Minister’s office and were presented with their work. A meeting was also held with DEMOS independent think-tank from Helsinki that works together with the public sector, private sector, and NGOs and possible cooperation were discussed.
Due to the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we regret to inform you that Working meeting devoted to the preparation of the Manual on How to Make Merit-based recruitment in the Western Balkan work has been postponed to a later moment.