Better Regulation and Centre of Government Working Groups online meetings
ReSPA will continue to support the Public Administration Reform among its Members during the pandemic
Through more than ten online meetings organized during the period 7 – 21 July 2020 which gathered our members of the Centre of Government and Better regulation working groups, we discussed finding the most appropriate forms ofintervention as ReSPA’s response to their needs in overcoming the pandemic.
Being aware of ReSPA’s strong intermediate role among the WB governments, we in ReSPA have been determined to support our members proactively in overcoming the pandemic since its beginning.
By different forms ofintervention such as providing transfer of know-how through Covid-19 Western Balkans Digital Collaboration Platform, online conferences, webinars, workshops, etc. we in ReSPA have been trying to find the most appropriate solutions for supporting our Members in these challenging times.
Apart from having severe implications for people’s health, the pandemic is significantly impacting business and the economies as well as the WB governments. That is why we discussed with members of working groups new initiatives for further ways of intervention of ReSPA. The main topic of the discussions was on overcoming the pandemic situation in terms of a further continuation of ReSPA activities focused on supporting public administration reform in ReSPA members during 2020. The proactive approach of WG Members resulted in the concrete conclusions and needs and will be considered in updating the ReSPA plan of upcoming activities in this area.
We are more than ever ready to support the Western Balkans in preserving the stability of the institutions by providing the needed mechanisms to improve their adaptability in dealing with crysis situations and finally to offer an effective response to the pandemic threats. In that call, we rely on our prominent partners such as OECD/SIGMA, RCC, CEF, etc.
These days ReSPA and OECD/SIGMA are realizing the first-ever Public Administration Awards in the Western Balkans, aimed to encourage governance initiatives which demonstrate adaptability and successful response to Covid-19 to apply to this competition. In that regard, through these online meetings, we also encouraged our members of the Centre of Gorermnent and Better Regulation working groups to use the ReSPA In-country support mechanism and to apply to and participate in Public Administration Awards 2020.