ReSPA has received the "Effective CAF-USER" Label Certificate
Mr Thomas Prorok handed over the Certificate to ReSPA Director at the 11th Governing Board meeting at Ministerial level.
This year's virtual GB meeting at Ministerial Level was enriched by the ceremony of handing over the Certificate of "Effective CAF User Label" to ReSPA Director by Mr Thomas Prorok, Deputy Managing Director KDZ & Head of the CAF-Centre.
In his speech, Mr Prorok reminded that Common Assessment Framework (CAF) was established in 2000 when ministers of European public administrations network requested general principles concerning the improvement of the quality of the services provided to the citizens to be designed. Therefore, the Effective CAF User Label is a vital Certificate which comes from the European Union to ReSPA, which works so diligently on European integration of the public administration, and which received this label to spread it to the Western Balkans public administrations.
He also highlighted that ReSPA firstly implemented the Common Assessment Framework within its organization, when the External Feedback procedure (PEF) was started. Two independent experts from Belgium and Austria audited ReSPA and made a recommendation to CAF Center KDZ to award the CAF Label to ReSPA.
ReSPA's spirit and behaviour, the strong commitment to continuous improvement of participation within ReSPA, long-term and sustainable vision with a multidisciplinary approach, a strategy which looks into the future of ReSPA but also of the WB region were just some of the reasons why ReSPA was awarded the CAF Label.
Finally, Mr Prorok highlighted that ReSPA is a trusted partner in the region between the countries and the European Union but also a role model for the Western Balkans public administrations.
Ms Ratka Sekulovic, ReSPA Director, expressed her thanks for the Certificate and emphasized that ReSPA is ambitiously planing to position itself as a CAF resource centre in the Western Balkans and to raise standards in the work of public administration in the region through further implementation of CAF within WB public administration institutions.