Seasonal School on Rapid Innovation Lab 2020
This year's ReSPA Seasonal School provided an opportunity to the Western Balkan Public Administration teams meet and connect online, collaborate across silos, share ideas, and discuss current and future issues public administration is trying to tackle in particularly in the extraordinary situations.
Initially scheduled to take place in Montenegro, The Seasonal School was organized through online sessions from 28 September until 2 October 2020 with additional two-day preparatory activities organized in the second week in September 2020.
COVID-19 has catapulted digital transformation in public service delivery globally. It has become clear the world needs to be using technology and digital tools to solve the large number of challenges we're facing. Through our COVID-19 Western Balkan Digital Collaborative 2020 online platform, we have been collecting insights, needs and themes that our Western Balkans teams have deemed as of utmost value and interest to discuss, learn, share and collaborate on.
Based on those inputs we have been focused on the following modules and topics: Strengths Finder, Human Ware, Human-Centred Change Management, Agile, Iterative Methodologies & Mindset, Product & Quality Management, Resilience & Wellbeing, Remote teams, Crisis Communication, Data Science & Journalism.
Watch the videos prepared by the thematic areas: