ReSPA and HRMA of Montenegro organize Capacity Needs Assessment Workshop
ReSPA (Regional School of Public Administration) together with HRMA (Human Resource Management Authority) of Montenegro are organizing the inter-institutional workshop devoted to the Capacity Needs Assessment from a regional perspective in the Western Balkans. The event takes place on 5 and 6 September, at the premises of HRMA (Uprava za Kadrove) in Podgorica at 10.00am.
In this 2-day workshop, representatives of approximately 20 governmental institutions and bodies of Montenegro will gather to offer their input and solutions towards a synergic approach towards public administration reform, human resources management and required innovations from the perspective of regional and inter-institutional stand. The respective participants will provide the necessary guideline and insight towards better coordination and development of regional efforts in the process of Capacity Needs Assessment, aligning their proposals with the rest of the region.
For this purpose, a questionnaire has been developed and will be distributed to the participants who will provideall the necessary answers.
Launching the event will be Mr. Suad Music, ReSPA Director, Mrs. Svetlana Vukovic, the Director of HRMA Montenegro, and Mr. Klaus Erdman, the international consultant.
Apart from identifying the Capacity Needs Assessment, topics related to regional cooperation needs which may contribute in improving management and decision-making in the participating administrations, and providing support for European integration of the Western Balkan countries will also be welcomed.