3rd Programme Committee Meeting
7-8 December 2021;
Tirana, Republic of Albania
The state of play, targeted goals, priorities, and examples of success stories in PAR and the European Integration process in the Western Balkans were some of the topics tackled during the two-days Programme Committee Meeting. The participants were also informed on the state of play of Public Administration Reform in the latest EU Commission Enlargement package 2021 and the novelties introduced in IPA III. Finally, during the Meeting, ReSPA Progrmme Managers presented the activities planned to be implemented during 2022.
The Ministerial PAR Declaration was introduced to Programme Committee Members, which committed to imbed the objectives of the Declaration, to the maximum extent possible, in the internal PAR Strategic Framework. The PAR Declaration will serve as a starting point for the organization of the “Western Balkans PAR Summit” by spring next year.
In addition, ReSPA presented the recommendations for improving policy coordination in Western Balkans. These recommendations came after ReSPA prepared a detailed analysis on policy coordination in each administration of the Region. The horizontal recommendations will be reflected in a single document for further dissemination.
During the Meeting, ReSPA Progrmme Managers presented the results of the first comprehensive Monitoring exercise finalized in Autumn 2021, as well as presented the most recent developments related to the establishment and operation of the Regional Quality Management Centre within ReSPA .
Mr Dragan Djuric, Programme Manager Coordinator, emphasized the importance of cooperation and exchange among different actors of public administration within each country, while the 3rd Programme Committee Meeting confirmed the importance of the ReSPA efforts to connect three crucial areas: PAR, PFM, and European Integration to move the Region closer to the EU Membership.
The Meeting gathered ReSPA Programme Committee Members (state secretaries and/or senior managers responsible for public administration, state secretaries and/or senior managers responsible for Economic reforms programmes, and national IPA Coordinators or NIPAC office representatives as well as ReSPA Governing Board members at Senior Officials level).