CAF Consensus Workshop at MISA, North Macedonia, brought new insights for further improvements
7-8 April 2022, Ohrid, North Macedonia
CAF project implementation at the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) went through the second and the most important phase – Consensus workshop, which aims to get a consensus on the inputs provided by each CAF Self-assessment group member through CAF Questionaire. During the workshop, twenty employees from MISA, appointed as the Self-Assessment team, discussed detected strengths, areas for improvement and suggested actons for improvement . The Action Plan will be developed in the upcoming month based on prioritized actions for improvement. The ultimate goal is to raise the level of performance of MISA and its overall organisational development.
In two days of intensive work, exchange of information and discussion, we processed CAF criteria and sub-criteria. We were able to identify the systems of self-assessment of our work and our performance. Going through all the questions in the questionnaire, we thought of new ideas, gained insights, and articulated some evident actions, which is a way to move forward in a structured manner towards better quality processes because we will work on some of the activities more systematically. We look forward to the Action Plan, results, and further steps of CAF. We will apply for the External CAF Evaluation to obtain the “CAF Effective User” label.."
Amina Shkrijelj
Head of Unit for International Cooperation
Ministry of Information Society and Administration, North Macedonia
CAF facilitators Mr Thomas Prorok, Senior EU CAF Expert, Mr Martin Todeski, ReSPA Expert and ReSPA team guided the participants through three groups and plenum.
At the end of the training Thomas Prorok has presented the overall result of the self assessment pointing out the MISA knows where to focus in the future towards achieving the excellence in the organisational functioning and provision of the services. AS Oivera Damjanovic said after the self assessment report is provided to the management of MISA the next Improvement Action Plan Workshop will be organised in order to make detailed CAF Action plan with activities for MISA to be implemented in the next two to three years.