Handjiska-Trendafilova : Governing Board expresses strong support for ReSPA’s ambitious work ahead. Looking forward to stepped up and invigorated regional cooperation driving lasting public administration reforms in the Western Balkans!
“Our public administration systems should be the backbone supporting the twin transition, EU accession, and resilience-building reforms ahead, and ReSPA will be a credible reform agent and our region’s partner on this path” – said Maja Handjiska-Trendafilova, ReSPA Director, opening the 52nd meeting of the ReSPA Governing Board at Senior Official level held virtually today.
ReSPA Director also stressed the commitment to cooperate with the region’s vibrant CSO sector, youth community, and wider stakeholders and showcase the region’s good practices in the area of public administration reforms.
Handjiska-Trendafilova presented to the GB members at the Senior Official level the Report on the ReSPA activities conducted from November 2021 until March 2022, related to the implementation of programme activities and ReSPAGovernance and Operations, as well as updates on all relevant human resources, financial, operational issues.
The Governing Board members also took note of the ambitious Work Plan for 2022, highlighting some of the flagship initiatives ahead: PAR Summit and Public Administration Award, capacity building workshops on EU pre-accession financial instrument, CAF implementation pilots, various in-depth assessments in the areas of digitization, competency-based frameworks, human management information systems, application of quality management, etc.
GB members also discussed the next steps regarding the extension of the ReSPA agreement and the need for timely programming of the new EC grant support for ReSPA.