Handjiska-Trendafilova: ReSPA and CEF are committed to strengthening and diversifying regional cooperation to the benefit of civil servants, governments and citizens
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Today, ReSPA Director Maja Handjiska-Trendafilova met with Jana Repanšek, Director of CEF, as a part of the ReSPA Working Groups' visit to CEF. They briefed each other regarding the new strategic outlooks both organisations have adopted.
ReSPA's role as a key regional player in facilitating better public administration services to citizens and businesses in the Western Balkans remains complementary to the CEF's effort to inspire public officials, both individuals and teams, to shape institutional governance that drives successful economies and fair societies.
"CEF is our sister organisation that shares the same values and noble mission of sustainable learning and a chief focus on human capital as the essential resource for driving lasting policy reforms, outcomes, and impact. Today's incredible energy of our teams proved our mutual respect and devotion to strengthening and diversifying regional cooperation to be more in service of civil servants, governments and citizens. We operate similar to CEF, providing regional assistance focusing on innovative and practical solutions such as capacity building and peer learning activities, seasonal schools , on-demand in-country support mechanisms, mobility schemes and E-Gov pilots, "said Handjiska-Trendafilova opening the meeting.
Ms Jana Repanšek, CEF Direktor, reflected on the past 20 years of CEF development and transformational journey to what it is today – a knowledge hub for the region. "We are not working with institutions but with people, and those people are experts in their areas, but what they want is a transfer of knowledge. Thus CEF now is working in the direction: connect – learn – act. CEF team strive to develop the capacity of individuals/civil servants and others we work with, so they can feel good in what they are doing, being motivated for further development and work performance "higlighted Repanšek.
Early today, CEF team hosted the ReSPA team and its working group members of the Centre of Government and Better Regulation. They presented their approach to training in Policy drafting and negotiations. This presentation was complemented by discussing how public institutions can increase effectiveness through learning and knowledge sharing. ReSPA working group members took an active role in the discussion. The sessions generated lively debates on issues of common interest and resulted in a rewarding learning and networking experience.
The cooperation between ReSPA and CEF dates back to 2012, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. Following the signed MoU between the two organisations, this study visit is an essential step toward the strong partnership between ReSPA and the CEF.