ReSPA has started with the second cycle of CAF implementation in the Civil Service Agency (ADU) in Republika Srpska
At the opening of the first CAF Workshop within the second cycle of CAF implementation in ADU, Mr Aleksandar Radeta, Director of ADU RS, expressed readiness and interest in implementing CAF to improve the overall performance of the ADU. There is also the need to continue developing internal capacities so that ADU can facilitate CAF implementation in the organisations at the local level within the task that the Government of the RS has given ADU.
Sanja Tajisić, CAF Manager, gave an overview of the implemented measures from the previous CAF cycle and of the changes that appeared in the context of the ADU's actors and partners.
Eight employees from ADU, appointed to the CAF team, will undertake the self-assessment of all aspects of organisational functioning by going through CAF implementation. They will also define the measures for the improvement according to sub-criteria set up in the CAF model that reflects each process and results within an organisational framework.
Today's CAF training and the following two CAF workshops will be facilitated and guided by CAF expert facilitator Ms Tihana Puzić, Mr Philip Parzer, mentor and coach from KDZ CAF Resource Centre, Austria and ReSPA/RQMC team – Ms Olivera Damjanović and Slaven Bukarica. Today, they introduced the CAF model and explained the CAF process, and through the work in groups, assisted participants (members of the Self-assessment Group) to practise the CAF Questionnaire.
"As an "Effective CAF-USER" and QM focal point of expertise in the region, ReSPA within RQMC is working on increasing the institutionalisation of CAF within public institutions. We aim to upgrade administrations' quality management as a prerequisite for better work performance and better public services for our citizens.
This CAF project is one of fourteen CAF projects that ReSPA will be implementing in Western Balkans within BACID III Programme, funded by Austria Development Agency, implemented by KDZ CAF Resource Centre and co-funded by EC ReSPA Grant.
Our great pleasure is to re-introduce the CAF in ADU as the first out of two projects of CAF implementation that will be implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina through BACID III. ReSPA appreciates the trust shown by ADU Director, Mr Radeta and ADU, knowing that project of CAF implementation will refer to the entire Agency. We hope and we plan that this CAF implementation will precede the other RQMC/ReSPA activities in the area of Quality management at the administrative levels of institutions in BiH" pointed out Olivera Damjanović, ReSPA Programme Manager
The second CAF Consensus Workshop will be held in June, while the third CAF Acton Plan Workshop will be held in September.