First module of CAF Facilitator & External CAF Feedback Expert (EFACs) Training - An essential footprint toward mass-implementation of CAF in the Western Balkans public institutions
13-15 June 2022,
Vienna, Austria
Regional Quality Management Centre (RQMC) of ReSPA and CAF Centre of KDZ organized Training for CAF Facilitators and the first module of the Certified Training for External CAF Evaluators (EFACs), which gathered 19 public officials, quality management practitioners from all ReSPA Members, selected within the open call for the Training. Thus, it was an essential step in establishing the CAF and PEF (External CAF Evaluation) regional expertise needed for increasing the number of the public administration institutions and organizations that undergo the CAF and PEF process.
One of the main objectives of the ReSPA RQMC is to ensure and establish CAF and PEF (External CAF Evaluation) regional expertise and increase the number of institutions and organizations that undergo the CAF and PEF processes in the Western Balkans.
The aim of the Training was twofold: to increase the capabilities of quality management practitioners by deepening their CAF facilitation skills and to train them to act as CAF External Feedback Experts (EFAC) who will do the CAF external evaluation.
In the first two days, participants deep-dived with hands-on approaches and methodologies for facilitating CAF implementations. The third day was the first module of Training for EFACs, and it contained the introduction to the principles and the process of external CAF evaluation.
As "Effective CAF User" Label owners and CAF users, we in ReSPA know how CAF helped us to be better in many ways. Future EFACs can conduct PEF procedures to evaluate CAF implementation and guide institutions in getting the Effective CAF User Label. Our CAF facilitators will gain a deeper knowledge of CAF for its promotion, implementation, and monitoring. The ultimate goal of improved quality management within institutions is to influence better service for our citizens.
Olivera Damjanović
ReSPA Programme Manager
Meet some of our future certified CAF Facilitators and EFACs:

Amina Shkrijelj, Head of the Department for International Cooperation and EU Integration, as well as National Correspondent for Quality Management in Ministry of information society and administration in North Macedonia
As a national quality management correspondent, Amina is very familiar with the CAF model, as well as the benefits that the CAF model offers to institutions that aim to work more efficiently and provide better and faster customer service.
"MISA is a national point for quality management in the Republic of North Macedonia and thus holder and coordinator of all activities related to quality management and implementation of the CAF model, which according to the law on quality management adopted in 2013 is mandatory for all institutions in our country.
This Training is an opportunity to deepen my knowledge in this area to implement the legal provisions of the law more effectively. With the three modules of EFAC, I hope we will learn all the procedures and processes in implementing the CAF model, from the decision to start self-assessment to obtaining a certificate of effective CAF user, and we will become good CAF Feedback Actors.
With the amendment to the law made in 2021, MISA adopted the Procedure for external feedback and thus gained the right to verify the CAF implementation process in institutions that perform self-assessment and become effective beneficiaries of CAF."

Danilo Rodić is a member of PAR Management Unit within the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia (MDULS), and a member of the self-assessment Working Group. He participated in introducing the CAF in the MDULS, which resulted in the adoption of a two-year action plan for quality management improvement in the Ministry.
"As CAF Facilitator, I will be able to contribute to the further development of national capacities for the introduction of the CAF through the dissemination of knowledge and experience with other institutions. Also, it will strengthen the capacities of my institution for making the next steps to improve quality management by introducing and implementing CAF".

Ružica Mišković, Head of Chapter 10, Information Society and Media, CRM Coordinator for Digital, Adviser in the Directorate for Innovation and NGOs, in the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro
As a member of the ReSPA Working Group on QM, she has been involved with CAF since December 2019 and she knows how it is an essential instrument for improving the quality of services for many users and thus for establishing modern public administration.
"I am excited because I know this Training is an opportunity for me to open a new door of better quality management and culture within the Ministry and to share it with the competent actors across the wide range of PA institutions in Montenegro. CAF is a trigger to encourage the employees and decision-makers to improve the organizational process, strengthen cooperation and increase motivation. Thus, I am motivated to be a part of better public administration for the betterment of society."

Nikola Nikolov, State Advisor for ICT in the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA), North Macedonia
"CAF gives independence, internally revision to monitor the processes for being better! CAF directly reflect on the quality of services for the citizens and thus affects the social and economic development of the country.
With this training programme, I will extend my knowledge, get critical skills for CAF Facilitator and prepare to share the best cases from other EU countries with colleagues and institutions. I see CAF Facilitators as crucial positions that internally monitor the CAF implementation and support the institution's development.

Marija Janković, Independent adviser, Ministry of public administration of Montenegro
"I have recognized the benefits of CAF implementation during 2019 in the Directorate for Good Public Administration and Non-Governmental Activities organization, Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro. Following our strategic framework and scope of activities, we defined which goals and results should be achieved along with implementing the CAF.
CAF is an assessment system suitable for national, regional and local public administrations. Public administration needs high-quality management and proper evaluation of functionality and effectiveness of work processes within individual units.
I expect to improve my skills to recognize strengths, weaknesses and measures to enhance work with my colleagues and to be able to share and transfer knowledge with more confidence. After all three training modules, I believe I will be able to build and advocate for the CAF self-assessment group to implement the CAF independently."
The second module will be held online on 29 and 30 September 2022, while the third online module will be held on 7 and 8 November 2022.