ReSPA has started with the CAF implementation in the Ministry of in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy of North Macedonia
RQMC of ReSPA within BACID III project and with the support of our KDZ Partners from Austria will guide more than 20 officials from different departments of the Ministry in building their capacities to improve overall institutional performances that will reflect in better public services for our citizens!
More than 20 employees from different departments of the Ministry, appointed to the CAF team, will undertake the self-assessment of all aspects of organisational functioning by going through CAF implementation. They will also define the measures for improvement according to sub-criteria set up in the CAF model that reflects each process and result within an organisational framework.
Today's CAF training and the following two CAF workshops will be facilitated and guided by CAF expert facilitator Mr Martin Todevski and Mr Thomas Prorok, head of KDZ CAF Resource Centre, Austria and ReSPA/RQMC team – Ms Olivera Damjanović and Slaven Bukarica. Today, they introduced the CAF model and explained the CAF process, and through the work in groups, assisted participants (members of the Self-assessment Group) to practise the CAF Questionnaire.
This CAF project is one of fourteen CAF projects that ReSPA will be implementing in Western Balkans within BACID III Programme, funded by Austria Development Agency, implemented by KDZ CAF Resource Centre and co-funded by EC ReSPA Grant.
As an "Effective CAF-USER" and QM focal point of expertise in the region, ReSPA within RQMC is working on increasing the institutionalisation of CAF within public institutions. ReSPA aims to upgrade administrations' quality management as a prerequisite for better work performance and better public services for our citizens.