Handjiska-Trendafilova: Turning ReSPA motto into reality: Open Days with our stakeholders offer avenues for joint regional initiatives to advance PAR Agenda
Skopje - As part of the series of Open Days in each Member, ReSPA presented the strategic focus and blend of activities envisaged in the Programme of Work for 2023 to civil servants, members of the ReSPA thematic groups and program committee of North Macedonia. They provided concrete suggestions and proposed initiatives to be considered for implementation during 2023 to propel reform processes in North Macedonia and the Western Balkans and contribute to the region's European perspective.
"Despite the socio-economic challenges, ReSPA remains on track with its substantive contribution to the PAR Agenda and advancing the European perspective of the region. Dynamising our activities, we want to reach tangible results to support and transform public administration in WB. In shaping our activities, we want to turn ReSPA's motto into reality - to listen and work jointly with our stakeholders. ReSPA Open Days 2023 came as an aspiration to share our vision and offer avenues to concrete initiatives to build resilient, transparent and professional public administration that nurtures its employees and works for the citizens. In this journey, we have strong support from the European Commission. Results will not be possible without strong regional collaboration between all PAR actors because the logic of cooperation and dialogue is the only path forward." said Maja Handjiska-Trendafilova, ReSPA Director.
ReSPA programme managers presented ReSPA's programmatic focus for 2023-2025 and ambitious Programme of Work for 2023, comprising more than 30 regional capacity development and networking activities. Participants discussed the state-of-the-art reform processes in North Macedonia. They identified potential needs that can be addressed through the ReSPA instruments of direct support, such as the On-demand support instrument, Mobility schemes and Horizontal Facility.
Within the re-shaped thematic areas, ReSPA aims to foster the region in policy development and coordination processes and its accelerated European integration, focusing on human capital and digitalisation. The executive trainings targeting the EU accession teams, the 2nd Module of Academy on policy planning, further development of the Regional Quality Management Centre, various regional thematic workshops and training on interoperability, seasonal schools on EU integration and digitalisation, working visits to EU Member states, are just some of the activities to be implemented in 2023. In parallel, the ReSPA team is developing the Western Balkans PAR Knowledge platform, which will boost mutual learning and sharing of experiences in an innovative manner.
ReSPA Open Days will continue in the following days and weeks in Tirana, Belgrade and Podgorica.
More information on the thematic areas:
Policy Development and Coordination
European Integration and Accession Negotiation
Human Resources Management and Professional Development
More information on the Indicative Calendar of Activities 2023