ReSPA Open Day in Tirana: 30+ learning and capacity development activities shaped to foster policy development, accelerate EU integration, human resources management and digitalization
The third Open Day was held this Friday in Tirana, where ReSPA team met up with civil servants and members of the thematic groups from Albania and introduced the strategic focus and activities envisaged for 2023. Discussing the particular needs of Albania's public administration, they jointly refined the scheduled activities and opened the door for new activities and opportunities.
Genti Xhaxhiu, ReSPA Programme Coordinator underlined ReSPA’s enduring commitment to delivering concrete outcomes within re-shaped thematic areas that put in focus policy development and coordination processes and accelerated European integration of the region, focusing on digitalisation and human resources management - putting the civil servants and citizens in the centre. “Blend of executive trainings targeting the EU accession teams, the 2nd Module of Academy on policy planning, further development of the Regional Quality Management Centre, various regional thematic workshops and training on interoperability, seasonal schools on EU integration and digitalisation, working visits to EU Member states, are just some of the activities envisaged for 2023. In planning our activities, we focused on the particular needs of the region. But, with Open Days we wanted to even deeper discuss separately with teams of our Members in further upgrading scheduled activities and opening avenues for new initiatives. In our work, all is about regional collaboration, appreciation and consistency, joint efforts on delivering tangible results.” highlighted Xhaxhiu.
Participants, public servants from Albania, presented and shared views on the state of the art of the current PAR Strategy, as well as the list of priorities and measures to be addressed by the upcoming PAR Strategy 2023-2030. Specific discussion was also devoted to the development of the new PFM Strategy, and the new roadmap for public administration, as a result of the EU screening process. Participants discussed the modalities of how the ReSPA direct support instruments can assist these important processes.
Wim Ulens from the Delegation of European Union in Albania underlined that “knowledge and regional collaboration remain the keys to unlocking the potential of dynamic improvements in public administration of the Western Balkans. In this process, the European Commission strongly support ReSPA team in realization of such a dynamic plan of activities.”
Each ReSPA Manager elaborated on activities envisaged within the particular thematic group. They also presented direct support activities such as On-demand support (ex In-Country Support Mechanism), Mobility scheme and Horizontal facility and announced the development of the Western Balkans PAR Knowledge platform which will boost mutual learning and sharing of experiences in the public administration.
ReSPA Open Days will continue in the following week in Belgrade and Podgorica, while have been previously held in Sarajevo and Skopje.
More information on the thematic areas:
Policy Development and Coordination
European Integration and Accession Negotiation
Human Resources Management and Professional Development
More information on the Indicative Calendar of Activities 2023