CAF Self-assessment team of the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption of North Macedonia successfully finalized the Consensus Workshop
Aimed to get a consensus on the inputs provided through CAF Questionnaire, Workshop brought together employees from the SCPC (appointed as the Self-Assessment team) who discussed detected strengths and weaknesses and suggested actions to improve processes and efficiency.
In two days of intensive work, exchange of information and discussion, the SCPC team, guided by Senior EU CAF Facilitators Igor Markovski-CAF Expert, Slaven Bukarica – Programme Assistant, ReSPA, Philip Parzer – KDZ CAF Expert and Verena Weixlbraun – KDZ CAF Expert. They processed the CAF criteria and sub-criteria by working in groups and plenum. They identified the systems of self-assessment of their work and performance.
This In-deep WS challenged the Self-Assessment team while going through the questionnaire and motivated them to face weaknesses, share new ideas and move forward in a structured manner towards better quality processes.
In the upcoming months, the SCPC team will develop the Action Plan and work on its realisation, focusing on prioritised actions to improve the institution's overall performance.