56th GB Meeting at Senior Official Level: Building on Empowering of the Civil Servants in the WBs and Strengthening Partnership and Intra-institutional Component at EU Level, ReSPA Entered into the New Cycle of the EC Grant Contract
At 56th Governing Board Meeting at the Senior Official Level, ReSPA Secretariat recapped the last quarter (25 November 2022 – 16 March 2023), emphasizing:
- 5 regional networking and capacity-building activities realized;
- 4 ReSPA Open Days in the ReSPA Members served as a good forum for the presentation of the Annual Programme of Work and exchanging with our stakeholders;
- 4 CAF-related initiatives are still ongoing across the Western Balkans;
- 14 On-demand support actions finalized in ReSPA Members;
- 2 ReSPA studies published
These actions have contributed to strengthening the capacities of 445 civil servants encompassing all three specific objectives of the ReSPA Programme of Work.
During the last quarter, ReSPA signed the new Grant Contract with the European Commission which will support the implementation of its activities in the next three years.
ReSPA Secretariat successfully completed the previous EC Grant contract and submitted the final narrative and financial reports.
ReSPA’s partnership and intra-institutional component are constantly being strengthened as well as the cooperation with the Schools of Public Governance across Europe.
ReSPA Secretariat is looking forward to the new initiatives, achievements and tangible outcomes for the benefit of civil servants, citizens and businesses in the Western Balkans.