Civil Servants in Charge of HR and Recruitment from the Western Balkans got Acquainted with the Latest EU Trends in Selection Procedures and Competition Models
Over the last three days, HR teams from the Western Balkans public administrations visited the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), European Commission, Directorate-General Human Resources and Security, European School of Administration and Belgian Federal Public Service Policy and Support (BOSA), acquainting themselves with the latest trends in selection procedures and competition models.
On the first day, Ilona Negro, Psychologist and Josephine Gallagher-Fitzhenry, Deputy Head of RITD Unit presented the new EPSO Competency Framework, which defines 8 general competencies that EU officials should demonstrate throughout their careers: ritical thinking, analysing & creative problem-solving; decision-making & getting results; information management; self-management; working together; learning as a skill; communication and entrepreneurship
Stéphane Vanderveken, Head of Unit RITD presented the new 2023 EPSO Competition Model and its main novelties, abolishing of oral tests while keeping the verbal, numerical and logical reasoning tests as a part of the selection procedures. The EU knowledge test will focus on meaningful substance questions related to the functioning of the EU, its policies and procedures. All competitions will also include a written test to assess candidates' drafting skills.
Particular emphasis was placed on the selection board nomination and training as well as on post-competition recruitment support services that were presented by María González Escudero, Head of the Selection Board Management and Recruitment Support Services Sector
Christiane Keutgens, Deputy Head of Unit, presented the European School of Administration, and its wide range of learning and development opportunities available to EU staff, including innovative learning and transformative and impactful training.
Koen Binon, Head of the Talent Spotting & Career Guidance Unit and Chris Krappitz, Deputy Head of the Learning & Development Unit, introduced the participants to the perspective of the European Commission Directorate-General Human Resources and Security.
The second day of the study visit focused on the EPSO’s planning of competitions, the complaints process and the presentation of the online platforms and tools (including the usage of AI in test development). Angela Heberling, Head of the Planning & Coordination Unit and Ruta Simelyte, Deputy Head of the Planning & Coordination Unit, presented a collaboration of EPSO and the EU Institutions in regard to the new way of planning competitions and their implementation, while Béatrice Thomas, Legal affairs Senior Expert presented complaints process of EPSO.
Bernard Vanden Bloock, Head of the Testing Operations Unit, presented the online platform and tools used for selection, including oral testing tools, while Caroline Pietquin, Head of the Test Content & Development Sector, focused on using artificial intelligence in test development. Finally, Alexandros Arvanitidis, Psychologist, provided valuable insights into the normalisation procedure used during test marking.
The last day of the study visits was devoted to the European Commission Directorate-General Human Resources and Security and Belgian Federal Public Service Policy and Support (BOSA).
Monica Solombrino, Head of the HR Processes, Data and Information Systems Unit, presented HRMIS at the European Commission (Sysper). Mihai Serban Dumitrache, Head of the Competition and Selections Unit presented Selection and Recruitment in the European Commission. Kate Anderson, Deputy Head of the HR Data & Analytics Unit and Alexandros Palamidis, HR Data & Analytics Unit provided insights into data analytics and workforce planning in the European Commission.
“We are very grateful to Minna Vuorio, Director of EPSO, Marta Silva Mendes, from the European Commission Directorate-General Human Resources and Security, Christiane Keutgens from the European School of Administration and Peter Vandenbruaene from Federal Public Service Policy & Support (BOSA) on their immense hospitality and providing HR representatives with valuable insights that they might explore for further use in their respective systems. This exchange is priceless for our HR teams, giving valuable guidance on improving the selection process, merit-based recruitment, attracting and retaining talents while working on their constant upskilling. We all know that people are the most valuable asset. This kind of activity, will help to keep us on a track to attract and retain the best talents in Western Balkans public administration institutions,” said Ranka Bartula-Mušikić, ReSPA Programme Manager.