Online Conversation: Employee's Well-Being Is Key Driver for Building a Culture of Trust and Continuous Development of Public Administration
4 July 2023, Online
Around 60 participants, members of all of ReSPA's Regional thematic groups, explored virtually how staff satisfaction and well-being influence public organisations' culture, productivity, and the quality of public service delivery. Participants also discussed staff retention, absenteeism and attraction in an increasingly competitive labour market.
The event was an opportunity to shed light on the role of management and leadership practices in driving the well-being of public institutions. Finally, participants explored mechanisms of employee feedback, particularly surveys on staff satisfaction and mental-health well-being, how to use feedback to develop reform interventions and the targeted improvement of management practices and employee well-being.
Radoje Cerović, the Psychologist, compared the private sector and public administration, explaining why promoting well-being in public administration is particularly challenging. Reducing stress and strictly bureaucratic procedures and introducing the modern way of leadership will activate positive change in attitude, from "system is stronger than I am (I am just a small screw in it)" to motivated, involved and proactive civil servants. "The importance of organisational culture as a driver of employee well-being is enormous. Building trust and a positive emotional state of employees is crucial for progress in public administration", pointed out Cerović.
Tomislav Mičetić, Head of Service for Quality Management, Ministry of Justice and Public Administration of Croatia, focused on the fact that public administration fundamentally consists of people who work for the people – our citizens: "Citizens will be satisfied with the public administration only if civil servants are satisfied with their job. Job autonomy, positive social / inter-personal relations at work and pride to work in public administration are extremely important for the well-being of civil servants, as well as defining clear objectives, rules and procedures following the wage and reward policies," concluded Mičetić.
Snežana Abramović, Head of the Research Center at the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), presented the results of the mental health survey conducted by NAPA in Serbia, focusing on particularities and lessons learned. Abramović underlined emotional, social and psychological as crucial components of mental health. She also highlighted a strong correlation between mental, financial, and physical health.
Jona Dervishaliaj, Chief of Professional Development Policies Sector, Department of Public Administration of Albania, presented the staff satisfaction survey results in Albania and explained why she found it essential to learn about staff satisfaction and well-being and why satisfaction differs as much across institutions in Albania. Dervishaliaj stressed the clear mandate of institutions, the role of office equipment and leadership practices as crucial drivers of civil servants' satisfaction.
Mr Meyer-Sahling, a Professor at the University of Nottingham and moderator of the online session underlined the connection between job satisfaction, employee well-being and organisational performance stressing the importance of staff satisfaction surveys as an efficient tool in detecting and further improvements on mental health and well-being in the public administration institutions.