ReSPA –Hosted the Seminar on Fiscal Impact Assessment of Structural Reforms (FIASR)
ReSPA hosted for four days, from 23-26 October 2012, the seminar “Fiscal Impact Assessment of Structural Reforms (FIASR)” organized by Centre of Excellence in Finance (CEF) in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, supported by SAFE trust Fund, the World Bank.
The main aim of this seminar was to provide opportunities for key stakeholders to discuss the case studies assessing the process whereby the fiscal costs of structural reforms are integrated into multi-annual budgets and medium-term fiscal documents and.
This seminar is designed for mid – to senior-level officials in public institutions. The total number of participants was 54. The participants were public administration officials from Slovenia, Montenegro, Turkey, USA, Albania, France, Macedonia, Netherlands, Belgium, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*.
ReSPA is provided for all the participants’ Cocktail reception, full board accommodation, training centre with 3 conference rooms, all the training facilities including audio-visual equipments and translation facilities.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on the status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence