Unlocking Regional Synergy: 2nd Meeting of Directors/Heads of Training institutions at the margins of DISPA Meeting injected a fresh surge for more efficient training curricula
25 October 2023, Madrid, Spain
For the second time, directors and heads of training institutions and departments from the region gathered to share their best practices, deliberate on common challenges, and explore opportunities for regional partnerships.
This time, ReSPA enabled them to actively participate in the biannual DISPA meeting, offering a unique opportunity to engage with European Union training institutions for the first time, gaining insights from their successes and obstacles and enriching the ongoing discussions.
As a side event of the DISPA meeting, the 2nd Meeting of Directors/Heads of training institutions from the region, under ReSPA’s umbrella, discussed a wide range of topics, including needs assessment, expert selection, training delivery, and research activities. These discussions followed the presentations of exemplary practices and flagship initiatives by each ReSPA member, alongside insights into the experiences of Croatia and Portugal. Finally, the directors and heads of training institutions and departments explored concrete possibilities for further collaborative efforts.
Incorporating the latest developments in training methodologies from both the EU and the regional context, they are poised to enhance their training curricula within their respective administrations, guiding civil servants toward further progress.