3rd Module of the training programme on “Translation of the acquis” shed light on Terminology
26 October 2023, online
After the successful finalisation of the 2nd Module of the 6-Module Training program on “Translation of the acquis”, co-created with DG Translation (European Commission) to enhance the region’s translation capacities covering various aspects of translation, ReSPA held virtually the third Module focused on “Terminology”.
More than 40 participants from the Western Balkans, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, delved into Terminology aspects of the translation process, guided by prominent staff from the DG Translation. Precisely, Terminology in DGT was presented by Maria Rzewuska-Waligora, Head of the Terminology Coordination Unit and Riitta Majaniemi, First stand-in for the Head of the Terminology Coordination Unit.
Annamaria Fotos, Terminology coordinator shed light on the DGT Terminology workflow and tools such as Euramis while John Kirby, Terminology coordinator presented Interactive Terminology for Europe (IATE) and guided participants in terminology and digital skills. The speakers and the participants engaged in lively and meaningful discussions sharing experiences and challenges faced and consulted DGT colleagues on best practices that can serve as sources of inspiration.
Finally, through the Case study session, participants presented their own experience with the translation of cultural elements in legal texts (toponyms, names of institutions, entities, organisations, etc.) and the translation of legal concepts, which sometimes resulted in being quite critical and challenging.
Participants also raised the idea of establishing an informal network of translators from the Western Balkans and the Trio who can meet regularly and discuss matters of common interest.