Training programme on “Translation of the acquis”: Module 5 shed light on Procurement
23 November 2023, online
ReSPA continues its joint initiative with the DG Translation at the European Commission in a dynamic implementation of the Training programme “Translation of the acquis”
Module 5 shed light on important aspects of Procurement: Kerstin Kettig-Bauer, Head of the External Translation Unit at DGT and Klara Schwebl, Deputy Head of the External Translation Unit in DGT presented tendering and contract management and outsourcing workflow in DGT, while Marcin Kotwicki, Quality Manager of Directorate B at DGT delved into the quality evaluation of outsourced documents.
With this training program, including Module 5, ReSPA aims to enhance capacities, foster regional networks, and empower civil servants to contribute to improved governance and facilitate a faster EU integration process in the region.