Online Conversation Raised Awareness of the Importance of Talent Management in the Public Service
15 November 2023, online
ReSPA gathered 49 public officials to discuss the concept of talent management and experience from one European public administration and the Western Balkans.
Guided by experts Lukáš Jirsa, from the Institute for Public Administration Prague, Check Republic, Dragana Vračarić from the Serbian Government's HR Management Office, Ardit Gabili from Albanian School of Public Administration and Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling, a professor from the University of Nottingham, who shared their valuable practices in the area of talent management, participants got an opportunity to gain valuable insights on talent management's importance and main benefits in attracting public service, performance management, career prospects, development and growth opportunities, and rewards packages as central ones for retaining and motivating talented public servants.
The public service is an employer for all age groups. In this context, talent management is an underexplored but important practice to manage multigenerational public service workforces.
With this event, ReSPA aimed to raise awareness of the importance of talent management in the public service, which is focused on putting the right people in the right place at the right time and retaining them to stay and work for public administration. The online conversation aimed to encourage public employees to contribute to reaching the organisational goals to the best of their abilities since talent management, as a strategic tool for public service, can enhance productivity and improve the efficiency of public servants.