Training on job design and job description: Empowering civil servants with concrete skills and tools as a prerequisite for improved HR solutions
5-6 December 2023, Budva, Montenegro
A two-day training on job design and job description is a follow-up of the Workshop on Future Job Descriptions - Contributing to Effective Public Administration held in Skopje on 10-11 July 2023.
While previous activity was rather related to experience sharing across WBs and sharing good practices from Bulgaria and Greece, this time, civil servants from the Western Balkans dealing with job descriptions in the Civil Service Agencies/HR Institutions/Ministries learned concrete skills and knowledge related to job descriptions, job analysis and design, job evaluation, job families, and creating grading structures.
Envisaged as a blend of a workshop aiming at experience sharing and joint discussions and training focusing on learning methodologies, tools, and how to implement them, it provided participants with an opportunity to delve deeply into job analysis techniques, identifying key positions and determining criteria for them, job evaluation and methodologies of job evaluation, harmonisation of job descriptions and job families, and catalogues of jobs. Pauline Martin shared inspiring job catalogue cases from the French General Directorate of Administration and Civil Service (DGAFP) and Natalia Alliushina from the Ukraine National Agency of Civil Service. The expert Wojciech Zielinski took the participants through the experiences of Poland, Estonia, and the Netherlands and opened their views on different approaches to addressing the issues.
Participants gained skills and knowledge about job analysis, design, and job descriptions, including tools and methods used for job analysis; job description formats and their optimal content; criteria and the process of identifying key positions, and a better understanding of the process of creating grading and pay structures, with special emphasis on job evaluation, job families, and job catalogues.