ReSPA and Transport Community co-delivered the Regional Dialogue on Advancing Skills in the Western Balkans Transport Sector
27 November 2023, Belgrade, Serbia
Aiming to foster a comprehensive discussion on the future landscape of the transport industry in the region through insightful panels and expert engagement, the event identified emerging opportunities in the sector, particularly focusing on future jobs and professions.
The event gathered key players in the transport industry and public servants from the Ministries of Transport and Ministries in charge of the coordination of EU Funds, representatives of academia, and industry leaders who contributed with their insights and experiences.
TCT Director Matej Zakonjšek, and ReSPA Programme Coordinator Genti Xhaxhiu set the scene by emphasising that investing in the skills and knowledge of the public servants dealing with the transport sector is an investment in the future prosperity of the region itself.
During the panel with public servants from the Western Balkans and academia, speakers from institutions in charge of transport projects called for a bigger focus on governments investing in capacity building and training programs to enhance the skills of their personnel involved in the management and absorption of IPA funds. Participants also discussed the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, focusing on the increasing financial assistance the Plan will entail. Implementing the ambitious measures of the Plan requires a professional public sector ready to design and implement major investment projects.